It literally seems like Nature is busting out all over. Everything appears to be blooming. This probably includes some people's allergies, too! The trees are blossoming in innumerable shades of dark to light greens. The maples are sporting red blossoms, the dogwoods and tulip trees are on full display with their Spring flowers. The daffodils, the hyacinths, the tulips, pansies, etc. are going crazy. When you drive by plant nurseries, you are assaulted by a riot of color!
All the rhodedendrons are blooming, the weeping (and not weeping) cherry trees are showing off their delicate pinks. The bushes of bridal wreath are showcasing masses of small white flowers. Lawns fed appropriately by the many April rains are a deep, fresh green, and the dandelion population of the Northeast is making itself known.
Not sure if Nature needed our Easter celebrations as a signal, but seemingly overnight, the blossoming exploded. Throw in the relatively cool temps, the changeable weather, and voila! Spring! One of my favorite things is to see the scatterings of tiny flowers on the carpets of green grass. They flourish with light pinks, purples, yellows, blues and white. The flowers make the grass look as though someone purposely dusted the lawns with confectioner's sugar - the flowers so tiny and delicate.
Yes, I sound positively dotty, don't I? It's just all rather impressive when you take a minute or two, and really look around at all the blossoming going on. 'Course if you're in a city, there's a lot less greenery around to smack you in the face with their sudden flowers. Have you noticed, though, that the air changes? It feels softer and gentler. With the changing light, longer days and gentle breezes, all you want to do is stay outside and wander around - or find the perfect sidewalk cafe and spend the evening there. After this past winter of record snows, this Spring is very welcome.
Year of the Snake
2 weeks ago