Driving home last night in the dusk I passed a house that had two bushes decorated in white lights. Then a little further along, through the trees, there was a house that had a great evergreen in its garden with spiraling white lights from the top to the bottom. Each made me smile. There were at least four or five more instances of white lights on trees or bushes on my way home. One, a tiny, tiny tree in the middle of a great mown field with nothing else around it. There it stood, shining out into the growing darkness. And you know, even though you could argue that the property owners where just being lazy in leaving their Christmas lights up, I really, really appreciated their friendly lights in the face of the oncoming winter night. Why? Simply because they made me smile. They're no longer holiday lights - but, winter lights. Winter Lights....joyous in their glow....warming my spirit on a winter's night.