Thursday, January 27, 2011


At 14" to 19"+ totals - to several feet high - depending on where the storm last night decided to leave it.  And this on top of the snow that's come before.  Temperatures have been too cold to melt it to any degree.  This makes storm Number 6 for the winter season. 

The snow's been storming since Christmas.  Seemingly it's been falling every week.  In addition to the traffic woes, cabin fever is on the rise!  We usually don't get any significant snow til February.  And it's not quite the end of January (assuming Mother Nature cares for calendars).  Yes, snow is beautiful if you don't have to deal with it or employers.  It's also a great bloody nuisance in the amounts that we've been getting. 

None of us realized we'd migrated to the Artic Circle.   O.K. an exaggeration.  The joy's worn off for everyone over school age. Instead, to borrow from Charles Schultz' Charlie Brown cartoon...... "Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!"


  1. It makes me glad we aren't there to "enjoy" it

  2. I'm with you, kid. Today we did NOT have snow. It felt like a revelation. It felt like we were being sent out to the playground on recess!
