Saturday, February 26, 2011

Grumble, Grumble, Grumble - Pah!

And, for good measure....Bah Humbug!  Actually I'd say a LOT more a lot more forcibly and "colorfully" but it wouldn't be seemingly.  It's probably because I'm feeling crappy today.  It's just seems that the universe is ignoring all my attempts to act kindly, lovingly and consciously so that it might beam it back showing me a kinder world.  No.  For some reason, lately, people seem to be acting more thoughtlessly than ever.  Maybe they've been infected with "end of the world" fever and therefore, they've decided to not bother with common courtesy and be civilized any longer.  Yes.  Judgment here.  In spades.  I admit it.

Maybe it is simply the overwhelming greediness of the oil companies who keep jacking up our gas prices "because of Omar Quaddaffi" - pah! the oil companies have masses of oil reserves.  They just want to keep making a profit at our expense.  Moreover, our congressional and senate "representatives" in Washington, D.C.  seem to be quite happy letting them do so.  No one with any power is showing any interest in reigning in oil prices within the United States borders.  So who pays?  Those who can least afford it.  Us.  Let's blame the situation in the Middle East.   Why?  It's so much easier than accepting responsibility for looking after ourselves and our livelihoods. 

And the blatant redundancy of government spending is another peeve of mine.  I was shadowed along the Post Road recently by a brand new, huge SUV in spotless white paint and blue letters which announced it was the "POLICE"  and "Homeland Security."  So yes, now we have the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the DEA, the Immigration Police, the Armed Forces (and all their Reserves), 50 sets of State Police, and then the local municipality police forces - all to protect the masses - from each other and the world.  I'm sure I've missed a lot of agencies of which I am ignorant.  Sadly, we, the citizens, rarely get to see any visible benefit. 

There is so much redundancy in law enforcement agencies that they actually start having pissing matches over who is going to handle what - especially if it is an "exciting" matter.  The sad thing is that all that money spent on all those different agencies would probably be better spent if they were consolidated.  And maybe, just maybe, some extra money would make its way down to the local municipalities who are starved for cash to run their police departments. 

O.k. I'm done for now.  Hopefully a good night's sleep will lull me back into serf-hood where I will happily accept whatever the universe (including those folks that control my taxes, oil prices, food prices, earnings, environment and entertainment) deems acceptable for my consumption.  And like a good citizen, I will let them milk me until there's nothing left.  After all, the birthrate is up, there will be other poor schmucks to milk soon enough.  Aaargh. 

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