Silly, I know. It's always a good reminder that February brings the BIG snows around here, and it's often preceded by bitingly cold temperatures. And then, you go foraging around your closets and storage spaces looking for where you put your things from last winter. With luck you find them.
The bulky comforter which has been taking up 1/2 the space hanging in your coat closet for most of the year; the puffy coat with a big hood (if you're lucky enough to have one) taking up almost the other 1/2 of your coat closet. And then there are the boots, the gloves - light and heavy - the scarves, the hats, the ear muffs and...if you're very young - probably the snow suits. You realize anew that there is a very good reason for having these things. And, have you noticed how your scarves, etc. keep growing? Usually it's a symptom of not being able to find last year's when you need them now!
This winter, I confess, I really did have that moment of...."so, that's what they're there, for!" This a-ha moment occurred in the midst of my clearing out as much unnecessary stuff in my home that I could. I was sternly eyeing all these things which hadn't been used in seemingly forever - and I wanted to toss them out. When suddenly Winter decided to make itself intimately known. All those bits and pieces of winter warmth and protection against possible frostbite are really necessary. They certainly feel necessary.
Do you have favorite winter clothing or an accessory? Mine are the ear muffs. I have three pairs. I love them. They almost make hats unnecessary. Yes, o.k. they can look a little odd - esp. the huge fluffy ones, but they keep me warm as toast. Their place in my home was never in jeopardy. They're especially excellent when it's windy and you're shoveling snow after the storm. Post storm snow shoveling is one of my favorite activities. It is the one exercise you can do that is not only also gives you immediate results!
Year of the Snake
2 weeks ago
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