Yesterday, while visiting the City, I had the pleasure of meeting a few joyful souls. Made the day rather special. With one, we encountered each other on my way to pick up a paper. He offered, I accepted and we exchanged hugs on the Upper West Side near Columbia. Another, I'm walking from the Times Sq. subway shuttle through the passage way to Grand Central Terminal. I heard some lovely music. A busker was singing in a light lilting way that drew me in. So I followed the sound, rounded a pillar, and across the passage, saw the source. Sitting in an alcove away from the mainstream of human traffic was a sweet woman singing while sitting on the ground and...playing a double-handed saw with a violin bow! I stopped dead, mesmerized both by the music, how she played her saw, and the pure sound. It was amazing! The melody kept teasing my memory - so I continued to listen while she played. There I stood, standing smack dab in the middle of a very busy passage way, and not one person complained or ran into me. A moment out of time. Then, when her song had finished, she saw me standing there. I sent her a salute of thanks between all the people. She sent me a beautiful, beaming smile back that made me feel so very lucky to have "found" her. Magic.
Year of the Snake
2 weeks ago
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